Importance of volunteering

Jaira Vidok - September 11th 2024

We all know how full our days can get, too many tasks bursting out from the confines of our calendars. How often is your response, “I’m good, busy!” when someone asks, “How are you?” We’re so used to these packed schedules that it often feels impossible to squeeze in anything extra. But what would happen if we prioritized some of our time towards giving back to the community?

I am definitely guilty of having a full calendar, especially while being a full time student and working part time. However, things changed for me when I found out about Community Service Learning at my university. Essentially, some of the courses that I already needed included a built-in volunteering component. At first, I groaned at what sounded like yet another time-consuming commitment. Now, having received my Certificate in Community Engagement and Service Learning, I am amazed to reflect on how much I gained from volunteering.

From working with youth, to helping older adults with their English, creating content to increase water knowledge, and planning inclusive cooking events, my education was greatly enhanced by what I experienced out of the classroom. And the craziest realization was that I likely never would have sought out these experiences on my own.

The most valuable lesson I learned? Even when it seems like I couldn’t possibly fit anything into my busy days, I might just be due for a shift in perspective. What if we all donated a few hours of our time to engage with the community? I have a feeling that not only our communities would be benefitted, but our personal day-to-day lives would too.

All that to say…have you considered volunteering lately? ;)