Playing Sports

Lava Najmdeen - October 7th 2022

Realizing the importance of playing sports is vital. Many of us may deny how vital it is, perhaps due to how busy we are daily or maybe we are just unable to find enough motivation to drag ourselves to a sports field or court.

Sometimes, we are also very aware of it, yet we are always finding excuses for ourselves and postponing it from today to tomorrow to the day after. And yes! Life can be chaotic, and you might feel so overwhelmed at some points in your time. Whether it’s an assignment or a final exam or just a very hectic workday. However, we should engage our mindset with the thought that regardless of how busy or lazy we are on a certain day, we should find time for sports. With that in mind, some days we might just desire or require a lazy bed day and that’s fine. But my point here is that we should be engaged in some sort of sports activities at least a few times a week, for example, a minimum of 2-3 times or hours a week. I know it can be very intimidating in the beginning and you could even be at a point where you are forcing yourself to do it. However, it will get better over the days, and it will automatically be a part of your routine that you will be looking forward to.

Playing sports has been known to heal you both physically and mentally. Moreover, it is an ideal way to meet new people of those who are doing different degrees or working in different industries or just generally being at a different phase in their life. It could also be a run-away from all the stress and pressure that surround you from having to complete your daily tasks. I find sports to be my getaway from all the daily chaos and it is just “me” time that I truly enjoy. There are a lot of types of sports too, giving everyone a chance to express their tastes and perform whatever suits them best. At the same time, you could even practice multiple sports, some for leisure and some could even be professional or competitive.

For instance, back in my school years and well definitely before the whole COVID-19 pandemic strike. In primary school, I used to despise sports and I recall saying that “it was too boring and time-consuming”. However, when I started giving it a go, it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I started playing basketball and soccer back in primary school. Fast forward to middle school, I was so passionate about basketball that I even led my team and we won multiple matches versus the other teams in my school. It was an amazing experience and I enjoyed tryouts so much. I used to love competing against all the other teams and practicing throughout the school year. I remember counting down the days to our Sports Day at school, the day when the finals were conducted along with many casual competitions. I was even awarded the 3rd most athletic student of the year, something that I previously called “too boring”, but no it was not boring at all. On the contrary, it was so much fun, and I had the opportunity to make great friends in different grades. To this day, I am so grateful I gave it a go and I hope one day I can play basketball professionally. And with soccer, it has been something I do until today, I call it my “family or friends get-away sport”. I enjoy it so much and it helps me maintain a strong relationship with a lot of people. Furthermore, I also like swimming, although I have never learnt that professionally. However, I still manage to find joy in going to water parks with my beloved ones. Anyways, my point is you can play more than one sport for multiple reasons, one just casually and one on a professional or competitive basis.

In conclusion, I believe every single person, regardless of where they currently are in life, should have some sort of daily sports activity in their life. And trust me you won’t regret it.