Hello Young Minds,
Welcome to a day of a criminology and psychology student. I am going to take you through a day where I’ll be again living life as a student while writing for you guys. I can guarantee that once you have completed your education and started working, there will for sure come a day where you will want to be back in school.
How was life when I was studying one of my favourite courses? I used to wake up not too early but at a decent time. Get ready, prepare my breakfast and lunch for school and grab a coffee on my way to school (one of my favourite things to do). If there would be a quiz or midterm I would be revising in the sky train as it used to take me an hour or more to get to school. So, why not utilize that commute time for some productive stuff. After reaching school, I would attend all my lectures for the day. I had psychology, maths, economics, and criminology mostly in all my semesters. Though I knew what I wanted to do or what I want my career to be in( law enforcement), I wanted to explore my interests.
For me, the Math class was the toughest one. I am not a math student who gets everything in one go or know what’s going on in the class. I used to be the confused one and trying to figure out what’s going on. I just took Math because of the instructor. Most of the students used to tell me he is the best instructor though he is a tough professor, with lots of homework. He was that kind of instructor who used to push you to work hard and is ready to help any way they can. He is one of the best instructors I ever had.
In between the classes, if I had any breaks, I would study because I used to find it difficult to study at home. I used to try to finish everything at school because nothing like a promise of a free evening to get my motivation going. Plus, this way if I found any topic difficult or had any questions, I could go and ask for help from my instructors. And also, I used to work on my days off so I didn’t really have any days off. It was better for me to complete my school work when possible. There were some days where I only had one class a day, so the rest of the day used to be volunteering, meeting with the counsellors or hanging out with my friends.
My typical day used to end around nine or ten with a nice, warm shower to help release the stress of the day. Don’t forget Math homework.