What it truly is…

Lava Najmdeen - March 23rd 2022


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Depression is all around us. Whether we’d like to confess or not, all of us have been through depression at some point in our lives. I’d say it’s more like an involuntary human reflex to certain life stimuli. However, what many people do not realize is the ‘real’ depression.

Depression is not feeling down for an hour out of your day, but it is about feeling sad all day, not having the urge to complete any of your tasks. It’s feeling safe not taking a shower for a week. Here is where a lot of people confuse depression and laziness. The unwillingness to shower for a whole week is not laziness but rather is procrastination which is usually one of the results of depression. There might be some days where you set the alarm; you look up, switch it off, and sleep for multiple more hours. Your body feels depressed, and it knows that if you wake up, the day won’t be any different from how it was yesterday or the day before. Therefore, time is lost, and your tasks pile up for the next day and so on. Today you say you’ll do it tomorrow, and tomorrow you say you’ll do the day after, and it goes on. Some days, you almost feel like you’re better, but then a tiny thing or memory can spoil it all, and you become even more devastated than your initial situation.

Regardless of all that, I am here to tell you that it will always end. Yes, depression is shedding tears over the glass that you broke. It does not urge you to clean up the mess; instead, it’s falling apart yourself and crying. On the other hand, you are not alone; it is not easy or an impossible mission. Just remember, if others can overcome their depression, then so can you.